LifeMatters made the first parenting classes available online in 2002. These classes are Guaranteed to be accepted by the Courts. Online Rapid and 8 week options offer free certificates and age-specific classes to help improve parenting skills using the powerful, practical parenting style based on Positive Discipline.
Your Premium 8 Week Online Parenting Class:
Get personal coaching from an expert parent educator and coach. 24/7
Gives you encouragement every step of the way.
Gives you easy to access 24/7.
Gives you a 'real' person to give advice and answer your questions.
• Get expert help with problems specific to YOUR kids and family.
Why Take an 8 Week Online Parenting Class?
To make as close to an in-person class as possible.
To support parents more than by just reading a book.
To support parents who cannot afford weeks and weeks of professional help.
To provide online parenting classes recommended by the courts.
To provide time for practice and change to occur in the family of the participants.
• To enable parents to earn a 8 hour Certificate of Completion.
To make this outstanding positive discipline system available to parents everywhere

Parenting is a big job.
There is a lot to know and yes even skills involved in raising competent, self-reliant, happy children. There is so much information available now that it is overwhelming just to find the right parenting style for you and your family. Like me, you want the best for your children and perhaps like me you want to not only have well-behaved children but also be able to enjoy your role of parenting and have the respect of your children.
Years ago, when my kids were 7 and 3, I went to a meeting at my daughter's nursery school. And, that was my introduction to the parenting style we teach. Over the years, as my children went from toddlers to teens, I was really grateful that I found this parenting approach and put it into practice. Out of my success raising my own children and working with countless families in my counseling practice, I have felt compelled to make this parenting method available to more parents than I could reach face to face.
My Criteria Was Simple:
Offer online parenting classes based on a system that is practical and really works
Offer online parenting classes that are respectful to both parents and children
Provide the parenting lessons over time so parents can put into practice what they learn
Provide personal contact with a parenting expert to answer questions and give advice
Offer encouragement and straight talk so parents can produce results while in the class
Share my commitment to positive discipline instead of punishment/reward child rearing
Premium 8 Week Classes also offer parents who are required to take a parenting class a Certificate of Completion. You can take an online parenting provide you with reference material class, submit the required feedback forms to validate your attendance, your understanding and implementation of the material. Your certificate is immediately available to you for printing after completing all feedback forms. The certificates are individually numbered, have the participants name, date and signature of the facilitator. There is no waiting for the mail, I want parents to get their certificates as soon as possible.
Court Ordered Parenting Class Information
Our online parenting classes have been accepted by courts nationwide. Parents, grandparents and teachers take our online classes for personal reasons and some to fulfill a legal requirement. If you need a Certificate of Completion, we encourage you read the information for court ordered parenting classes we provide for you and submit it to your social worker, lawyer or family court for pre-approval. We are so confident in the content and quality of our online classes, your Certificate of Completion is guaranteed to be accepted by the courts or your money back. Please read our parenting class guarantee for details.

*Your Certificate of Completion Guarantee
Our online parenting classes have been accepted by courts nationwide. Parents, grandparents and teachers take our online classes for personal reasons and some to fulfill a legal requirement. If you need a Certificate of Completion, we encourage you read the information for court ordered parenting classes we provide for you and submit it to your social worker, lawyer or family court for pre-approval. We are so confident in the content and quality of our online classes, your Certificate of Completion is guaranteed to be accepted by the courts or your money back. Please read our parenting class guarantee for details.
You can also take a parenting young children class or return to our democratic and respectful parenting class list.
Author: Phyllis Grannis
The online Parenting Classes are educational in nature and the classes are not intended to be psychotherapy. If you feel you have specific mental health needs please consult your health care professional.